Gonwicks Wasting No Time
Jason, Mallory and Gretta, aka Kit, at the HUB working a January match. For those who haven’t heard, Gretta is quite impatient. As Jason was preparing to transport Mallory to the hospital on Nov. 28, Gretta was born in their home on the kitchen floor. She’s obviously not one for wasting time. Mom and baby are doing well. Oh, and Jason has been appointed SAVRA's new secretary (see story below).
PAVO Offering Spring Training Camps
Excellent opportunity for intermediate and advanced officials. Officials are videotaped calling spring college matches and reviewed with nationally trained clinicians. These camps span the country, and run mid-February through mid-April. Scholarships are available. To learn more, click on https://pavo.org/Training/Training-Camps
PAC-12 LJ Trainers Offering Training at PNQ
Pac-12 line judge trainers Mark Sykes and Chris Clemens are offering free line judge training during PNQ, March 22-23, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Convention Center. This is open to all officials who want to improve their line judging skills, from high school all the way to Division I. They will be working with line judges on one or two courts during those days, and it is on a drop-in basis. If you have free time in your working schedule, drop by. If you are not working PNQ on these dates, you may still come for training. Alan Hirayama is trying to coordinate free admission for those wanting to participate in the training. In either case, please RSVP to Al to let him know that you’d like to participate in this extraordinary training. He can answer any questions you may have.
Board of Directors & Advisers Meeting Schedule
Your 2019 Board of Directors and Advisers have set their meeting schedulefor the next six months, as follows: Feb. 25, March 25, April 22, May 20, June 24 and July 22, 5:30 p.m. in the University Advancement Center at Gonzaga University’s BARC (parking facility at Hamilton and Boone). Members are welcome to attend . . . just let a board member or adviser know in advance to make sure we get you access to this locked facility.
Mark Calendars Free Sept. 27-28 for Sheridan Volleyball Classic
The 2019 Linda Sheridan Volleyball Classic is scheduled Sept. 27-28 at Ferris, Lewis & Clark, Shadle Park and Rogers high schools. This advance notice is offered in hopes every official will make those dates available this fall. This is the largest high school tournament on the west coast with 64 teams from at least four states and all classifications. We can use every one of you!
Accolades for Two Veteran Officials
Margie Ray and Rusty Wellman officiated the 18 finals at the Fiesta Classic in Tempe in January.
Jason Gonwick Tabbed as New Secretary; Shawna Sheehan as Assistant Trainer
Jason Gonwick, state-rated official beginning his fifth year as a SAVRA member, is joining the Board of Directors, replacing Ben Goodwin as secretary. Ben was elected vice president in the fall and had to give up the secretary post. In other personnel matters, Shawna Sheehan was appointed assistant trainer by the board to work with Barb Twohig and the beginners training program. Shawna was part of the Training Development Committee last year that helped restructure SAVRA’s training program.
Seeking Committee Members for Recruitment & Retention; Communications Assessment
The Board has identified recruitment of new officials and retention of our current officials as a top priority in 2019. President Keith Ward is looking to establish a recruitment and retention committee to oversee these efforts. If you would like to serve, please email Keith at sandkward@comcast.net. President Ward is also looking to create a marketing and communications committee to assess how we market and communicate SAVRA to the volleyball community, and SAVRA officials, in particular. This will include an examination of this newsletter, our website, recruitment materials and social media. If you would be interested in serving, please email Ward at sandkward@comcast.net.
Tax Talk: Numbers to Know When Itemizing
For those of you who itemize your volleyball expenses on your tax return, here are numbers that may help you: in 2018, SAVRA dues were $10; WOA dues were $90; PAVO dues $75/NCAA dues $90 for regular members, $40 and $30, respectively, for associate members (line judges). SAVRA charged each official 10% of match fees (not travel) as an assigning fee. In Arbiter, click on PAYMENTS, then on Paysheets to view your paychecks. By clicking on the magnifying glass at the right edge, you can see match fees broken out from travel fees. For those of you who attended the NCAA/PAVO Training Clinic, the fee was $40 for PAVO members, $35 for non-PAVO/non-college officials.
Do you have newsletter ideas? Please send them to Dale Goodwin, goodwin@gonzaga.edu.